September 13, 2015 at 09:00PM

Found old notebook from 8th grade in my folks’ garage. Inside was a list of assignments missing due to deep ennui: “You have many missing items…. you could fail science.” “Unit V assignments are due when you return or as soon as possible.” And an unfinished AD&D character sheet, naturally.
The scribbles on the back of the notebook include two irregular French verbs and the lyrics to Alice’s Restaurant Massacree. 14 year old me hated school, liked dorky rock, and was a huge geek. #nothinghaschanged #sameasiteverwas
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September 09, 2015 at 12:50PM

Madeline darts outside whenever she gets a chance. She lived outside her whole life until we met her. We have sandbur, and poison ivy, and worst of all Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever carrier ticks, so we don’t want her out bringing stuff back in, but she takes such delight in just being out there, being a cat and doing cat stuff. Here she is hunting a frog.
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