November 08, 2015 at 12:31PM

Dorothy seems to have osmotically picked up all the letters of the alphabet and their sounds. Some of the kids have done that and read on their own, early, some have done it and read later. It’s fun to watch when reading “clicks” for them. Right now, the letters make sounds and have names much like cows or cars. It’s stringing them together, that’s where the magic happens.
Posted from Instagram

November 08, 2015 at 10:08AM

Dorothy tossed and turned all night and is very stuffed up this morning. She had a fever three days ago and I guess this is the end result. So she, Clementine and I are at home while Sean has the rest at Mass. I don’t like missing Mass but I didn’t want to be that guy, the one who sits by the newborn with a coughing, sniffly kid. #stayhomewhenyouresick
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