So I’ve been changing diapers for eight and a half years. Most of the time I’ve had two kids in diapers and frequently three. What I’m saying is I know my way around, folks.
By the time Gloria is toilet trained I’ll have changed something like fifty thousand diapers. Well, 49,998, I forgot what Sean has contributed.
Regular readers of my blog will remember that I have always used cloth diapers. I’ve used old-school flat diapers with pins and high-tech polyester and microfiber pocket diapers and everything in between. Right now I’m using fitted diapers for Gloria and pocket diapers for Trixie and I am loving our diaper system, hence this post.
Trixie is in Fuzzi Bunz, size L. Recently Fuzzi Bunz redesigned their diapers and so everyone clearanced the old models. Like cars! But I like the old design just fine so I got them at an absolute steal, I tell you. About half what they’d usually be. I bought them over about a two month period, and I have a dozen – that’s enough for an older baby like Trixie if I wash every day. Trixie has eczema somethng fierce and even the softest wool + itchy tummy = sad panda. I was resigned to waterproofed nylon over prefolds, but then she started having breakthrough rashes on her bum too. Hence the move to Fuzzi Bunz with their moisture wicking inner that keeps her skin dry. Love!
Gloria is in Snug to Fit Supreme fitted diapers, snap close. I had used them with Bede and Abby until my stash fell apart. They’re great workhorse diapers, and they are a one-size – they adjust in the rise to fit from about twelve to about thirty five pounds. My mother made me some stay dry liners for them and they are just great. Over them she needs a waterproof cover, and I use wool soakers or the aforementioned nylon ones. I got them at a HUGE discount when a retailer switched hands recently. Again, love!
I’m not giving up my prefolds and pins but it sure is nice to have some quick britches to change. These diapers go on just like paper diapers, zip, zap, zoom. Yay!