Gloria is taking her first unassisted steps this evening. Her persistence is amazing. She falls down, gets up, tries again, repeat.
Gloria, atta girl!
catholic homeschool weirdo mom
Every year I want to have a crafty Advent and Christmas season but I just barely manage to keep my head above water most days. We will make cookies, decorate and deliver them, and I signed the kids up for a holiday card swap, but other than that, hmm.
I was reading other homeschool bloggers and getting envious of their little wintry plans. I think I need to do something with that desire and make it happen, even if it’s only a little thing each week. In fact, that’s best, because then I won’t get too much planned and end up doing none of it due to ennui.
So, this week, decorating the house. Next week, card swap cards. Then, cookies and other baking. And after that it’s Christmas!
I feel much better! Yay!
Today, these are the traits each child has that I am the most thankful for.
Faith: her compassion and her unbelievable energy.
Abby: her calm grace and her amazing artistic creativity.
Bede: his unique developmental timetable and his unvarnished WYSIWYG love.
Gilbert: his inquisitiveness and his goofy sense of humor.
Trixie: her desire to share her world and her ridiculous bullheadedness.
Gloria: her utter love for siblings and her wee smallness.
Ask me next year they may be different! I love you kids!
An eternal criticism here. Sean and Gilbert went this week, a bit late. Sean and I have to tag-team Mass because we haven’t found anyplace that can work for Bede. I wonder if we will, or if it will just be how we do it until he’s a bit older.
It’s a difficult thing, autism and quiet pursuits. My Church compels me to go to Mass every Sunday and holy day, and I don’t get there very often anymore. I spent the last dozen times we went as a family in the church parking lot, walking laps with an autistic yelly boy and a (heavy) baby in the sling. There was nowhere for us to go. Bede is too big for the cry room* and lasted in the sanctuary for about 3 minutes.
When we went to Latin Mass at St. John Cantius in Chicago it was gloriously noisy. The whole place was packed, on a regular day in Ordinary Time. There were people waiting in line for confession during Mass, and at least two slightly unhappy babies making noise at all times. We fit right in there. Even with an autistic yelly boy, we’d have been just fine.
But here I just don’t know. I talked with my friend about it a while back, and she suggested a certain church in Midwest City, east of here. Apparently the priest there was open to a “special needs Mass.” I think that’s a really great idea, but we need Mass every week, and we’d much rather be welcomed and included, in a non-intrusive way, than given our own special Mass. Another priest at the church we used to attend told us that the earlier Mass was much noisier than the late morning one we had been attending. It would take some work to get everyone happily out the door in time for a 9AM Mass on the other side of town, but we should probably give it a shot.
It’s difficult. Bede has no social filter and not much language, so when he doesn’t like something he is very loud. And when he does like something he’s loud. He needs an adult giving him all the attention to be able to do something like that, to not bolt, or fling hymnals, take off all his clothes etc. That leaves Sean with five other children, one a ten-month-old. Not feasible, really.
I guess we’ll keep waiting.
*For my readers unfamilliar with the term, a cry room is a small room, usually pretty soundproofed, with a view of Mass and an audio speaker so you can hear the priest. It’s intended for parents and kids under about 3-4, I’d say. I haven’t ever been to a Protestant church but I’m told that usually kids too young to sit relatively quietly through the service are in the nursery. Some Catholic churches have nurserys but it’s far from universal, especially given how many kids Catholics have. It’s certainly not unusual at all to see many, many small children in the church during Mass.
My friend Kelley has an assortment of really beautiful hair accessories in her Etsy shop. She had her first daughter after three sons and I tell you she has been positively BURSTING with girly beribboned flowery goodness.
I plan on a few for Faith and Abby for Christmas. You must go look, I insist!
I’ve been so busy! I had several friends encounter trials last week and I was trying in my small way to be a help. Whew. I think today I have a chance to take a breath.
I’m told some of you thought my brief protected post (now gone) was because I’m pregnant. I’M NOT! Besides, don’t you know I am unable to keep any secret like that for longer than it takes to get to the computer from the bathroom. Gee whiz.
I’m working on Christmas knitting. I may get Sean’s sweater done, but I doubt it. However I am finally, after I think 7 tries, delighted with the project as it stands and look forward to knitting it. I kept trying OPP (what are you implying? that means Other People’s Patterns!) but you know me. I am unable to knit anything as written. So once I committed to having to write the whole thing myself, and did it, I am in love.
Gloria says “Mama!” I know that’s not momentous or anything, but she is the first of my many children to say my ‘name’ as her first word. I am besotted. She’s also standing briefly without support, and eating anything she can get her little mitts on.
Trixie is copying anything that Gilbert does, even when it makes no sense. And tells us “No! I NOT BE QUIET! YOU BE QUIET! SHHH!” I think she is the most like me as a child…
Gilbert is between the world of Little and Big. Four is hard on a four year old. His imaginative play and plot development have exploded in the last month or so, but most days he is upset because he feels too big for the littles and too little for the bigs.
Bede is so delightfully flexible these days! Such a change from the boy he was a year ago or so. When things don’t happen like he wants, he either gets upset and gets over it or, and this is huge, thinks of a solution. It is wonderful. We can watch movies as a family on the television now, among other things.
I planned to tell you of the big girls too but Gloria fell down and wants to nurse. Faith and Abby are both well, and I’ll give details later. Ta!
We got some Rubbermaid shelves today. I got the four-shelf version but now I wish I’d gotten the five-shelf one because I didn’t realize how modular they are. I envision building play structures with another couple-few of these. So sturdy, no tools to put it together, no sharp edges…
Jennifer Z and family stopped in on the way home from San Antonio!
Zane and Bede reading.
Bede does the trademark “Zane lean” to Jennifer as Zora wubs Gloria.
They were only here for a few hours and we miss them already. Jennifer has many more pictures at her blog too.
Here you go.
Found via Autism Vox:
Good luck with that. I think she’s unstoppable. She bugs me with how she makes life with autism seem to be a fate worse than death. It’s not.
ETA: In the interest of full disclosure I’ll remind my readers that we delay and selectively vaccinate.
FURTHER EDIT: And Bede was diagnosed as autistic at age 4 and had received no vaccinations.
I was trying to find the name of that book Bre liked so much, Melissa #2, about PBS? And I found this site which is awesome!
They have all the station idents and studio logos you can think of, and they include the ‘scare factor’ for each one. I thought I was the only one creeped out by that kind of thing.
Bede loves station idents and studio logos almost as much as he loves fonts. He’s been reproducing them as well. So far he’s right on track for a career with his daddy in graphic design. He makes a mean PBS P-head – complete with intoning, “This is PBS.”
bede drawing, originally uploaded by feebeeglee.
Bede has begun drawing! He’s been writing for over a year, but these are among his first drawings. Sometimes they have faces too, either a happy face or a sad one.
Today, October 8th, my second son is four years old!
Here is Sean’s account of his birth.
Here he is at 3 months old:
And here he is now:
Happy Birthday Gilbert!
Bede’s still at it. He’s far from perfect, or consistent, but he’s really doing great.
Dawn asked if it was bittersweet, or if I was just so glad he’s using the potty. Dawn, to be completely honest I guffawed when I read that. He’s been peeing and pooping everywhere in the house for the last two and a half years since he learned how to remove his clothes and diapers, and yours truly has been cleaning it up. He went through a lengthy phase of throwing poop on the ceiling, too. (SOOOO NOT A GOOD TIME. Ahem.) So no, I am not in the least bit anything but 100% thrilled.
Jennifer said she felt a little jealous. Jennifer, I have felt jealous of you guys and Zane’s communication and his relative calmness compared to Bede. I think the lesson here is don’t compare auties. Bede has gotten this because of Gilbert, I’m pretty sure.
Everyone – thanks for your support and well wishes.
It be Talk Like A Pirate Day, mateys! Our wee crew be plannin’ a pirate park party with some of our ne’er do well pirate friends, avast!
In the meantime, ye should watch this song me hearties, sung by the inventors of TLAPD!
012, originally uploaded by feebeeglee.
018, originally uploaded by feebeeglee.
Like every other year ya went!
Sean, Faith, Abby and Gilbert are off to the State Fair this afternoon, possibly under heavy clouds but hopefully no rain. I think this will be the first time Gilbert’s been old enough to do any rides, so I hope he has fun. He wants to ride the Ferris wheel, which he has examined for months in Go Dog Go! “Go around again!”
The girls have planned out the entire trip, I am told. Rides and food and rides and food and rides. And food. And cows and chickens.
Have fun kids!
I guess it’s not really therapeutic if you need it. And it’s on super sale. But aaaanyway. I bought shoes for the boys for winter from – they have some good deals if you’re not picky about specific style. Gilbert got some dragon hightops and Bede got wavy pull-ons. Now they need socks, which I confess confuse the hell out of me with their sizing. So I didn’t order any yet.
And Bede needs a coat, but I think everyone else can get by on last year or handmedowns. In theory Bede could wear a handmedown but the only ones for his size are silver and lilac or pink. And he doesn’t care, but Lord knows he gets enough looks without also getting the hairy eyeball for wearing a feminine colored coat. Boy needs a boy coat, you know? (Anything I can do to painlessly unweird Bede I do. If he insisted on the pink or silver-purple coat that’d be one thing.)
And now Faith needs the computer back!
I’ve started a new blog for our homeschool stuff. It’s at and you’re welcome to wander by, but it’s mostly notes for me. I was inspired by Melissa Wiley’s Bonny Glen Up Close.
Also, I debated whether or not to add a political allegiance button to the blog and as you can see, decided yes, I would. I hope my more liberal friends remain with me, and I promise I won’t blog about politics!
I think that’s all for now.
Everything is Trixie’s. “Hey! At’s MINE dolly!” “Hey! At’s MINE chair!” And my personal favorite, when she sees another kid in my lap if she has recently vacated it, “Hey! At’s MINE holdyou!”
Gloria is commando crawling everywhere. And very interested in food.
Gilbert is reading, thank you Starfall.
Faith is very indecisive about her Halloween costume and has become interested in costume design.
Abby is writing adventure stories, mostly fantasy, and some poetry.
Bede is watching old television station IDs and movie studio IDs on YouTube. Like this, I mean. For hours.
And that brings you to now.
Just a few notes for me.
How long were your labors?
How did you know you were in labor?
Where did you deliver?
Who caught the baby?