So we had that ultrasound a few days ago! Everything is fine as far as we can tell with the baby. He measures right for dates, no abnormalities seen, etc. That’s the last hurdle to cross medically and now I feel confident birthing at home.
In retrospect, I should have left the OB office after getting my fetal DNA results and not limped along to the anatomy scan. The scan we got at an independent lab for Dorothy and for Clementine was just as complete and much faster. We waited over an hour to be shown in at the scan yesterday, then an additional hour waiting for first, the technician and second, the doctor. Very unpleasant experience for someone by themselves, let alone with eight children in tow. This is the same place that tells you they will charge you if you are fifteen minutes late. Sean was pretty hacked off because he had to take time off, and then it dragged much, much longer than planned.
I had forgotten, because you do, how doctors are. After the tech scanned us, the doctor came in and talked for five minutes or so about my normal pregnancy. Absolutely no new information for me, the mother of eight. I just let him go on. I’ve learned that stopping doctors does no good but just makes it go on longer. I figure they have to tell you this stuff for liability reasons. Whatever. They’re like informative audiobooks you can’t skip through. He assumed I was giving birth at the hospital and I just let him think that. He wanted to see me for monthly scans “due to your age and grand multiparity” but didn’t give any reasons or evidence that they would statistically improve our outcome, so. No thanks.
If I have another baby after this one gonna do it different. No OB after the bloodwork, and an out-of-pocket ultrasound midway through. Done deal. If the ultrasound shows an issue then we’ll figure out what to do then.
It feels like such a relief to be able to drop the doctors. I won’t be getting the gestational diabetes test either, so I’ll just do one at home. I have a blood glucose monitor. I’ve never had GD and don’t expect to this time. And I can do kick counts and fundal height checks myself. I know preeclampsia symptoms, I’m monitoring my weight gain, etc etc. And I have an awesome midwife on call, ready for Halloween or so when the boy shall emerge!
Oh, in case you missed it – his name is Peregrine. We’re calling him Perry.
Oh, there you are!