It’s been ages since my teenagers did any formal math. Abby has done some more recently than Faith has, but it’s still probably been a year for her, and more like two for Faith. Abby has done Life of Fred through half of Biology, and I’m really not sure where Faith left off. I think she finished Fractions, and Decimals and Percents. Then they both petered out.
Well, since they have expressed some interest in taking the ACT, I thought they should get a little more math under their belts. We’ve used Teaching Textbooks before, so they are familiar with it. I can’t remember why we stopped and switched to Fred. I think it was because we had a lack of computers, and needed something that was book-only. It certainly wasn’t because anyone disliked it. Teaching Textbooks is great.
Since the first half of this will be review, they’ll whip through it. Also I said they should do the first set of problems longhand, then the next part of each lesson with a calculator. Because too much long division will destroy anyone’s will to live, amirite?
Then on to Algebra! Woo!
It’s been a long time since I did any math. But I can remember “Go next door to Mr. Ten’s Place!”