park day

We went to the park today, in the unseasonably temperate weather. The kids were so happy to go. We don’t get to the park that often because it is difficult for me to watch a baby and an autistic boy, but today Faith and Abby watched Dorothy and Clementine and I kept an eye on Bede. I was able to chat with some of the other homeschoolers, wow!

Bede played tag with the other boys, after a fashion. One of the boys in particular was very sweet and tried to include him, without knowing anything about him at all. Really great kid!

I am almost done with Christmas purchases. Keeping it to four gifts per kid and a few things for everyone makes it both easier and harder. My kids have a hard time coming up with things they want, though. I think that is a lack of exposure to commercial television and institutional school at work there. I think this is the fourth year we have done this gift plan, and I love it. Something they want, something they need, something to wear, something to read. Really hones the mind to come up with the categorical gifts. I tried to get my mother on board but she just can’t do it. That’s OK. She’s a grandma, and the only one they have. She doesn’t go overboard.

It’s just there is so much STUFF when you have this many people. Even four gifts each and four for everyone and a simple gift from me to Sean and vice-versa… means 38 presents.

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