Food Storage Large Family Edition: Wire Shelves

We have a lot of people, and a lot of food. I lean towards the form follows function philosophy of design, and I favor plain, boring clean furnishing. That’s not to say I favor clean houses, though, if mine is any indication. Ahem.


We have two sets of shelves for food. Our house has a few areas for food storage, but not to the scale we need. So we added these, one in the smallish pantry, and one here in the entryway:

whitmor steel shelves

They are a Whitmor Supreme 5-Tier Shelving Unit. They don’t come with the cat or the toddler, sorry.

They were very easy to assemble. In fact I farmed it out to the teenagers. They sell vinyl liners for the shelves so you can put small things on them, but we cut cardboard to fit. The wire on the edge makes a little lip for the cardboard, so it doesn’t slide around. The cardboard makes it easier to place the cans, too. I only have the bottom shelf done, because we started using the shelves before I realized it would be easier.

I think I’ll paint the cardboard to jazz it up a bit.

So, it may not look fancy but it really works well. The shelves are very strong. The packaging says each one can hold 350 pounds. I was worried about wood or wood-based shelves buckling under the weight of the cans. That won’t be a problem with these.

Next up is large family drinking glasses!

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